Waste Management
Our Total Waste Management service is fully integrated, operating both on and off client sites. Many organisations enjoy the benefits of our complete and seamless solutions, which include trained teams of site personnel, drivers, sorting and processing staff, capital process equipment, plus disposal vehicles and tankers.
Being an independent contractor, we’re ideally placed to pinpoint advanced methods and processes. We can use our depth of knowledge and experience to find the latest and best, and deliver the very best value for money too.
Long-standing contracts and awards for innovation from both industry and government are testament to the success of our approach. It’s an ethos we’re very proud of and will never compromise.
Commercial Waste
Public sector clients, commercial businesses and industries all produce waste as a by product of their day to day business.
Commercial waste such as, card, paper, plastics and packaging are all potentially recoverable and recyclable. Hamton’s infrastructure and relationships with end users, recyclers and recovery plants means that we can offer our clients environmentally friendly, sustainable and practical means of recovering their waste. We can provide packers, bailers, site staff to collect and vehicles to handle and ship commercial waste.
All of our operations are certificated to ISO14001 - 2004 the International Environmental System Standard.

Industrial & Hazardous Waste
Hamton works within industry where certain wastes fall under the classification of Hazardous. This does not necessarily mean that they are toxic or dangerous but that they require control and suitable disposal.
Hamton are experts in the management of waste materials falling within the hazardous category including materials such as certain hydrocarbons, eco-toxic compounds and WEEE. Hamton helps its clients to manage control and reduce the occurrences of hazardous waste materials and wherever possible to remediate or eliminate them. We manage every waste stream with its own management plan to ensure that our client is kept informed and up to date with our processes.
Hamton’s expertise has earned it a prestigious Government sponsored Entec award for the remediation of oily grinding sludge’s in automotive manufacturing. We have also received several client awards for reducing and eliminating wastes streams.
We use properly licensed disposal and destruction facilities and seek to ensure that the highest environmental standards are maintained.
We own no disposal sites of our own and therefore we are able to take wastes to sites with the best environmental practice and best price.
Hamton try wherever possible to encourage its clients to take advantage of the many recycling opportunities which are available today.
It is not just cardboard and paper which can be recycled but metals, plastics, glass, refrigerant gasses and wood as well as mandatory recyclables such as WEEE goods.
We regularly market test recyclables and return revenues to our clients gained from their sale or disposal.
Hamton is able to provide a range of recycling equipment and even complete sorting facilities on customer sites if they so wish. We are able to offer waste to energy based processes and green options.