Hamton Environmental Services Ltd as an employer is required to publish an annual gender pay gap report.  The gender pay gap is the difference between men’s average hourly pay and women’s average hourly pay, companywide.  
Our gender pay gap as at 5 April 2023 is below:
Our mean gender pay gap is 17.90% in favour of men. This is the difference between men’s average hourly pay and women’s average hourly pay by combining all salaries within the Company.
Our median gender pay gap is 16.72% in favour of men.  This is the difference between the middle hourly pay of all men and the middle hourly pay of all women.

Our mean bonus gender pay gap is 69.43% in favour of women, and modal bonus gender pay gap is 50.54% in favour of men.

The proportion of employees who received a bonus was 8.38% for males and 9.47% for females.

Men and women’s salaries were listed from highest to lowest and divided into four equal parts for higher and lower salaries.  Our proportion of men and women in each pay quartile is:
Upper quartile Males 84.7% Females 15.3%
Upper middle quartile Males 63.9% Females 36.1%
Lower middle quartile Males 70.4% Females 29.6%
Lower quartile Males 47.9% Females 52.1%

Explanations of Gap

Our analysis shows that the main factor driving our gap is that we have a lower proportion of women than men in skilled roles. Our business is heavily skilled and labour intensive, the consequences of which being that we do not attract the quantity of women applying for these roles that we do with men.

We are committed to equal pay for all team members and we carry out regular pay and benefit audits to determine pay grades for job roles to ensure a fair structure. Further, we pride ourselves that it was company policy to ensure there was no difference in rate of pay between the genders long before the Equal Pay Act came in to commencement.
I confirm the data reported is accurate. 

Antoinette Carter
Managing Director